As part of Toray’s social contribution activities, Toray Group employees from diverse professional backgrounds held lectures visiting junior high and high schools in Japan from the end of October to mid-December 2018.
The environmental education program "Advanced materials and global environmental issues―Materials can change our lives" and the scientific experiment program "Learning about particles in water" are aimed at making students realize the connection between learning science and advanced technology and nurturing their interest in science. Questionnaire survey targeting teachers and students is carried out at all schools to confirm whether the lectures are achieving the goal.
On November 12, Senior Research Chemist Kentaro Tanaka of Advanced Materials Research Laboratories held a lecture at the long-established Kyoto Prefectural Ohki Senior High School founded in 1872. "The lecturer’s passion and enthusiasm towards chemistry was well conveyed," commented the science teacher at the school. "The words, ‘scientific technologies solve global issues,’ left a strong impression in me, and I would like to enter a profession that can help people in the future," a student said.