CSR Activity Report (CSR Guideline Activity Reports)


Disclose corporate information in an active, fair and straightforward manner to maintain management transparency; and disclose information appropriately to encourage dialogue and cooperation with stakeholders including customers, employees, stockholders, business partners, consumers, mass media, and other parties.

Basic Approach

Toray Group communicates with diverse stakeholders throughout its business activities in accordance with its Basic Policies to Promote Dialogue with Stakeholders and its Information Disclosure Principles. The senior management team takes the lead in implementing communication initiatives, while working with relevant departments responsible for engaging with each stakeholder group.
Toray Group’s goal of achieving sustainable growth globally and into the future is about much more than just expanding the Group’s business. The aim is to practice Toray-style management, contribute to society, and remain a corporate entity respected by society. Toray-style management is all about living up to the corporate philosophy of “contributing to society through the creation of new value with innovative ideas, technologies and products,” and this is done by executing the corporate missions of serving customers, employees, shareholders, and society. In fiscal 2020 and 2021, Toray Group implemented the Toray Philosophy Project as a group-wide two-year initiative aimed at promoting a deeper understanding of Toray-style management both inside and outside the Group. Initiatives under the Medium-Term Management Program, Project AP-G 2025, which was launched in fiscal 2023, focus on strengthening the Toray brand by enhancing people-centric management to foster a corporate culture where employees can thrive and take pride in their work and by engaging in communication designed to earn the trust and meet the expectations of external stakeholders.

Basic Policies to Promote Dialogue with StakeholdersEstablished September 2005

  1. Toray Group will promote dialogue and collaboration with all stakeholders, including customers, stockholders and investors, business partners, employees, government, local communities, NPOs, citizens, the global community and the media.
  2. Each company in Toray Group, through dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, will take steps to carry out reforms designed to increase the satisfaction level of everyone.
  3. All Toray Group employees, in their respective workplaces, shall identify and strive to solve issues affecting stakeholder satisfaction as part of their CSR activities.

Information Disclosure PrinciplesEstablished January 2004

  1. Information Disclosure Principle:
    Strive to communicate with various stakeholders associated with the Company by actively disclosing pertinent information.
  2. Voluntary Disclosure Principle:
    Comply with statutory disclosure and timely disclosure requirements and voluntarily disclose information that can be disclosed.
  3. Timely Disclosure Principle:
    Strictly comply with the appropriate disclosure timing for statutory disclosure and timely disclosure, and disclose information on facts that can be disclosed as quickly as possible for voluntary disclosure as well.
  4. Fair Disclosure Principle:
    Disseminate information to all stakeholders in a fair and unbiased manner.
  5. Information Management Principle:
    Officers and employees associated with the content of information to be disclosed shall strive to maintain thorough information management until disclosure.


The General Administration & Communications Division works with divisions and departments of Toray Industries and its group companies in and outside Japan to devise the best methods for collecting and disseminating information. The Group’s business sites regularly engage and maintain lines of communication with local residents and governments. Additionally, the Group is always open to inquiries and feedback from stakeholders, which are fielded through its corporate websites.
Opinions obtained from stakeholder communication processes are used to provide feedback to the related divisions and departments. They are encouraged to act on the feedback received in order to maintain good relationships with stakeholders. For example, matters related to safety, health, accident prevention, and environmental conservation are suitably handled by the Group’s business sites. The CSR Operations Department guides the implementation of social contribution initiatives, which are carried out by the business sites.

CSR Roadmap 2025 Targets

CSR Roadmap goals

  1. In accordance with the Basic Policies to Promote Dialogue with Stakeholders and the Information Disclosure Principles, enhance communication activities with each stakeholder group to improve corporate value
  2. Promote dialogue and collaboration with each stakeholder group, and reflect information obtained in management decisions in a timely and appropriate manner

Main Initiatives and Key Performance Indicators

⑴ Actively dispatch information on the Toray Philosophy and use education to ensure it is embraced throughout the Group
⑵ Enhance information dissemination utilizing owned media such as the Group's websites and social media accounts
⑶ Strive to ascertain customer needs and improve customer satisfaction
⑷ Facilitate exchange of opinions between management and employees, ascertain issues and problems, and reflect them in the Group’s CSR initiatives
⑸ Expand opportunities for management to disseminate information and promote communication with stockholders and investors
⑹ Enhance communication with the mass media
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Target Fiscal 2023 Result
Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2024 Fiscal 2025
1 million page views 1 million page views 1 million page views 1.12 million page views
(First round) 100% completed (Second round) 30% (Second round) 60% 100%
Cumulative total of 120 Cumulative total of 120 Cumulative total of 120 Cumulative total of 197
200 200 200 178
  1. Reporting scope: Toray Industries, Inc. (6-❶)
    Toray Group (6-❷, 6-❸ and 6-❹)

Related Materiality for CSR

  • Developing in Collaboration with Stakeholders
  1. * Click here for the Materiality View of CSR Roadmap 2025 (PDF:392.4KB).PDF

Looking to the Future

With the diversification of social issues in recent years, dialogue with stakeholders has become increasingly important. Toray Group brand value lies in its business portfolio, which has grown from Toray’s original textile business and which cannot be easily duplicated by competitors. The Group treats requests from stakeholders as opportunities for growth. By contributing to society through its businesses and other efforts, Toray Group will continue to promote social progress and help to resolve global issues, thereby enhancing its corporate value and continuing to serve as a corporate group of high value to all stakeholders.

Click here for the main initiatives and KPIs for CSR Guideline No. 6 “Communication” during the CSR Roadmap 2025 period (fiscal 2023–2025).PDF

Fiscal 2023 CSR Activity Report

Click bellow on activity reports for fiscal 2023.