- Sustainability
- Toray Group Corporate Social Responsibility
- Management Strategies and CSR
Toray Group Corporate Social ResponsibilityManagement Strategies and CSR
In order to achieve sustainable growth, corporations must do business in a way that earns the broad trust of stakeholders. Toray Group implements its management strategies and CSR initiatives in an integrated manner, striving to live up to its corporate philosophy, which outlines the principles and values the Group has upheld since the beginning, as well as its reason for being. The Group also seeks to achieve the world envisioned by Toray Group in 2050, which is outlined in the Toray Group Sustainability Vision, ensuring the sustainable development of Toray Group and society as a whole.

Toray Group will strive to accurately ascertain changes in industrial trends over the next decade or so. In May 2020, the Group announced the Long-Term Corporate Vision, TORAY VISION 2030—Achieving sound, sustainable growth and creating social value. The vision will serve as a group-wide compass for achieving sound, sustainable growth, while pursuing business model transformation.
The Medium-Term Management Program, Project AP-G 2025, entitled Innovation and Resilience Management—Value Creation for New Momentum, covers the three-year period from fiscal 2023 to fiscal 2025. It takes the Toray Philosophy as its starting point and is designed to ensure the Toray Group achieves sound, sustainable growth by helping to solve global issues arising from the need to balance development and sustainability, as indicated in the Toray Group Sustainability Vision.
With each Medium-Term Management Program, Toray Group also draws up a CSR roadmap. A three-year plan for the Group’s efforts on CSR, this roadmap lays out specific initiatives and KPIs. In June 2023, the Group announced the new CSR Roadmap 2025. Under the roadmap, the Group is now facilitating systematic, organization-wide CSR initiatives.
By taking an integrated approach to social responsibility and business growth, Toray Group has positioned itself to make important contributions by helping to solve social issues. The goal is to remain a corporate group of high value to all stakeholders.